Sunday, July 29, 2018

Microsoft Outlook 2010 Auto Complete Restore

Microsoft Outlook 2010 Auto Complete Restore

Never Fear the Reaper

Never Fear the Reaper Series

Book One

Ashley Pagano

Genre: Paranormal Romance / YA Fiction

Publisher: Inkspell Publishing

Date of Publication: April 23rd, 2017

ISBN: 978-1-945910-13-5

Number of pages: 176

Word Count: 44,853

Cover Artist: Najla Qamber

Tagline: In a world filled with darkness� can true love spark just enough light to save it?

Book Description:

She�s been to the other side and back again . . . But she�s never met anyone like him.

He can see things no one else can . . . But he only sees her.

From the moment he witnesses her do the impossible . . . he is obsessed. 

When Chase hires the mysterious ghost exterminator, Ryder, to cleanse his house from a pesky poltergeist he gets way more than he�s paying her for� There�s just something about Ryder that has him mesmerized.

Is it the fact that he�s witnessed her do the unexplainable? Or the fact that she�s absolutely breathtaking? Or perhaps it�s that eerie familiar feeling that they�ve met before, perhaps in another lifetime. 

Chase desperately tags along with Ryder on a whirlwind of life threatening adventures in exchange for a few precious moments of alone time with her. With the Grimm Reaper�s Scythe as their defense, Chase developing some supernatural gifts of his own, and an intense crush developing between them what crazy supernatural force will target them next?

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Suddenly, from behind me, a calm, raspy voice breaks the silence. �Are you Chase? I�m Ryder,� she asks rather firmly, extending her long fingers for a professional handshake.

Oh God, please don�t be her, please don�t be her, please don�t be her, I repeat over and over again to myself. This girl is too young and far too beautiful to be a ghost hunter. Inconveniently, she is literally my definition of perfection, dressed all in black. Long, dark brown hair, perfect bronze skin, bright green eyes that are surrounded by the longest eyelashes I�ve ever seen, a gorgeous pearl-white smile, and a slim yet slightly muscular build. I can�t help but let her catch me looking her up and down. Her appearance makes me even more uncomfortable with my situation. I even notice a colorful, feathery angel-wing tattoo that creeps down her left arm, which is ironic, given her profession. Come on, this girl cannot be doing a job like this.

She smirks in response before I can conjure up an excuse for my gawking.

�Not at all what you expected, huh,� she says, while gesturing to the hostess with two of her fingers.

�Honestly, no you�re not�not really.� I figure it�s better to be honest with her right now. Finally, I build up enough courage to return her handshake. I�m embarrassed when my clammy palm touches her soft, cool skin.

As we follow the hostess to a booth at the far end of the dining area, she responds, �Don�t worry, no one ever does. They expect some older, more spiritual looking woman who�s all decked out in crucifixes.�

About the Author:

Ashley Pagano has always dreamed of being an artist both figuratively and literally. Her love of art was instilled by her mother who always inspired her to be creative either with a paintbrush or with a pen and paper. As far back as she can remember her life was always centered around introspection, storytelling, and imagination. Because she is so artistic, she took to the idea of creative writing very passionately. Her ability to describe a scene, person, or place, she compares to painting a picture, where she can describe every detail vividly in order to make the reader feel like they�re truly living in the story. Her works of writing usually center around a powerhouse female protagonist (which reflect her own personality), who progresses through many wild and extreme obstacles. Ashley loves to write stories that end with a cliffhanger, that leave the reader begging for more and questioning what happens next. Her most recent novel sets the stage for the paranormal romance of the century and includes ghosts, poltergeists, and demons who just love to get in the way of true love. Ashley has won awards for her design, art, and writing.

Ashley doesn�t believe in down time whatsoever and actually loves having a full �To-Do�list. Ashley is a wife to her wonderful husband, Eric and a mother to a beautiful little baby girl named Dakota. She is also a Graphic Designer and a health and fitness coach. Her husband and daughter inspire her to be the best person she can be and encourage her to pursue any of her dreams (no matter how extravagant they may be).

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