Tuesday, July 31, 2018

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T TEAM 2016

T-Team FC home kit 2016 wallpaper for your iPhone & Android.




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Menang 3 0 Saat Uji Coba Djadjang Puas dengan Kebugaran Pemain

Menang 3 0 Saat Uji Coba Djadjang Puas dengan Kebugaran Pemain


Kamis, 15-08-2013 20:13

Menang 3-0 saat uji coba, Djadjang puas dengan kebugaran pemain. � persib.co.id
Pelatih PERSIB Djadjang Nurdjaman mengaku puas dengan hasil uji coba yang dilakukan timnya bersama Pelita Bandung Raya (PBR) U21.
�Secara keseluruhan saya puas. Tadi saya melihat sampai menit ke-60, kita bisa bertahan di formasi awal, tempo cukup tinggi, pergerakan pemain cukup, dan kondisi fisik boleh dikatakan prima," beber Djadjang usai pertandingan di Stadion Siliwangi, Kamis (15/4).
Ia melihat, dibabak kedua anak asuhnya mengalami penurunan stamina. �Babak kedua ada pergantian pemain, namun tidak ada gol yang tercipta. Tapi saya puas karena semua pemain dapat kesempatan bermain,� jelasnya.
Menurutnya, pergantian pemain pun guna berjaga-jaga dalam laga yang akan berlangsung mendatang. �Kita berjaga-jaga supaya semua saat diperlukan sudah ada adaptasi setelah libur kemarin. Ini kita untuk kembalikan nuansa permaian," ucapnya.
Sementara itu, pelatih Pelita Bandung Raya (PBR) U-21, Roni Remon mengaku laga uji coba merupakan persiapan untuk menghadapi delapan besar kompetisi Indonesian Super League (ISL) U-21 di Palembang.
"Hasil barusan ada beberapa yang harus dibenahi. Tapi kita masih ada waktu," katanya. ***

Info Dari www.persib.co.id

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Talking Tom Gold Pursuit Apk Full Download Mod Gold v1 6 0 46

Talking Tom Gold Pursuit Apk + Mode v1.6.0.46
Talking Toms Golden Apk Download, Android In this game you will direct the cute character Tom and run on the endless map to break the highest record and close as golden as possible. Along the way, the front will be out of the way. You will overcome these obstacles and display a successful game. Tom is recommended for game lovers.
Click to enlarge the image.
Click to enlarge the image.
Size : 56-mb

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Metal Slug X PC Game

Metal Slug X PC Game

Metal Slug X PC Game is a very interesting game which is developed and published by SNK. In this game player has to play different levels and to accomplish each level he has to be very quick. There will be some enemies. Which may come across the player but he has to be conscious. At the start he may not be given the facilities and weapons and as he proceeds numerous weapons and tanks will be unlocked for later use. Health factor is also main point to proceed in the levels. Apart from weapons player will be given other opportunity like kick or jump etc to proceed efficiently. Bonus factor has also been added. Which may be given to the player, through which he gets success in various missions.

Features of Metal Slug X PC Game
Following are the main features of Metal Slug X PC Game that you will be able to experience after the first install on your Operating System.
  • Run and gun game.
  • Exciting new challenges added.
  • Multiplayer game.
  • Player can configure control, display, sound volume and skills.
  • Fully customizable
  • Amazing graphics
  • New weapons and vehicles introduced
  • Player can collect food items to become fat
  • A number of modes added

Download Metal Slug X 

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Modelling Use a Modelling Tool a 3rd Party Engine or Create Your Own Game Simulation Engine

Modelling Use a Modelling Tool a 3rd Party Engine or Create Your Own Game Simulation Engine

So, youve decided to model! In my case, a crowd model. I want to simulate it. What do I do? Create my own engine, or start researching all the engines and tools out in the world, and use one off-the-shelf. Well, there are several factors to consider:
  1. What are your requirements?
  2. What do the crowd modelling software packages in existence have to offer?
  3. What kinds of tools and engines are available?
  4. If you do decide to write your own engine, what do you need to know?

Let me try and answer each factor, based on the decisions you need to look at, and how it fits in with your requirements.

Users perspective

First of all, I need to make the distinction between crowd modelling software and the simulation engines. Here, when I say software, I mean crowd modelling software packages, such as Legion, Mass Motion, Massive Insight, STEPS, etc., for one to create pedestrian simulations. The behaviours are defined in a black box, and the algorithms that are used to create the crowd behaviour, and how the pedestrians navigate around the environment are not in the public domain. These software packages are application based, and are for users to create crowd simulations using the developers own crowd behaviour algorithms. Im mentioning this as there can be confusion when initially starting crowd modelling, in regards to what these packages actually offer and whether theres any possibility of defining your own behaviours, when compared to using modelling tools and engines. Well, some may very well do, but Im of the opinion that there is just not enough flexibility, and I like to have choice.

Balance between flexibility and difficulty

Modellers perspective

Modelling tools

From a modellers perspective, and for creating ones own crowd model, and defining ones own behaviour for the agents, we need a rather different approach than using crowd simulation software off-the-shelf. Once weve decided we are going to create our own model, there are several different approaches to developing a crowd model. A crowd model can be seen as a complex system, more specifically a multi-agent system. There are tools in existence that provide the individual with a modelling environment for one to define and create behaviours to simulate complex systems like as a crowd. A couple of popular tools are NetLogo, and Repast Simphony. Both these tools are written in Java, and therefore, as Java performs automatic memory management, with garbage collection, the limitation is speed and scalability. If you increase the number of agents in the system, the simulation can considerably slow down. Another limitation is that these tools are generally focussed on a bottom-up design i.e., focussing on the topic of emergence, where micro-level individual behaviour lead to larger group behaviours with macro-properties. Macro level behaviour in and of itself cannot be modelled, as the fundamental modelling paradigms of these tools are micro simulations such as agent based models and cellular automata.

Game Engines

To overcome these limitations of speed, scalability and flexibility in terms of the modelling paradigm, we can take the route of using an existing game engine to create our simulations. Game engines are generally written in C++, as the advantage of using C++ is efficiency. The "zero-overhead principle" is one of the reasons C++ as a language is efficient. Due to the low overhead, and the fact that the programmer has control over managing memory, C++ allows efficient implementations of algorithms and data structures, and makes it useful for creating programs that require a lot of computations. Games need real time input and interaction, and therefore, the fact that game engines are written in C++ starts to bode well.

Now, we come to the question of choosing a game engine, or writing your own. Game engines are mainly intended to make everything regarding developing a game easier. It abstracts away from the low level APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), such as the graphics, audio, input, scene management, collision detection, maths and provide other general utilities that can prove useful. This makes it easy for the modeller / developer to focus on the details of the game, or model in my case. There are plenty of game engines, both commercial and free products, but be aware of the difference between a graphics engine and a game engine. Examples of game engines include Unity, Quake and Unreal, whilst graphics engine examples include Ogre3D and Horde3D.

Writing your own engine

Models can very well be written using a game engine, and people may argue that if you write your own engine, you are reinventing the wheel, but there are advantages of writing your own engine. It provides you flexibility and full control over your engine, and the ability to change any detail with relative ease.

Another important point is that a game engine arises from the needs of a game, in my case the needs of my model. Therefore, when it comes to writing ones own engine, its important to note that the focus should be on creating the game or model, and the engine should come about by adding features as and when needed. A general purpose engine, on the other hand, can be very heavily bloated.

Another huge advantage of creating your own engine is that you learn a heck of a lot. It offers a lot of learning opportunities, and technical challenges. There are so many features that need to be implemented, and for that, you need a good knowledge of maths, graphics libraries such as OpenGL, C++, physics, etc.,
A very good post about deciding whether to take the route of using an existing engine, or writing your own can be found here.

Ive personally taken the approach of creating my own engine, and adding features as and when I need them. Some of the reasons are:
  1. I couldnt use the modelling tools in existence, as I wanted to research hybrid modelling techniques, agent based models were not my only focus. I wanted to focus on other macroscopic behaviours of crowds, such as modelling pedestrians using concepts from fluid dynamics and gas.
  2. Some game engines provide their own algorithms for path finding for agents, collision detection, local avoidance. My main aim of research is working on these very same algorithms that define and compute the paths for agents.
  3. Like Ive already mentioned, you get to learn a lot and in a way that cant be taught, including the inner workings of an engine and its interactions with hardware, in addition to the flexibility you can achieve, that in the long run, make it all worthwhile.
The graphical illustration above gives you a visual sense of the balance of flexibility and the difficulty of development when deciding which route you would like to take. Just remember, there are always tradeoffs, and it just depends on your requirements, and how much time you are willing to spend on the engine vs your model.

Ill detail in future posts, steps I have taken to create my own engine, so that it can give you an idea of places one can head to, in order to start. This will include choosing your multimedia library, graphics library, image library, writing your math algorithms, modelling design paradigm considerations, etc., It might seem like a lot of detail, but one step at a time, and it all works out. I didnt start with all these libraries all at once, it was a slow build up, and Ill try detailing the steps, so that you can see what my model requirements were, and how I made the choices I made, it will hopefully not seem as daunting that way. Theres also a lot of material on the web to help you along the way.

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Monster Truck Fury Pc Game Free Download Full Version!

 Monster Truck Fury Pc Game Free Download Full Version!
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Sudah dikonfirmasikan bahwa Sword Art Online season 2 akan ditayangkan pada tahun 2014 ini dengan titel " Phantom Bullet Arc". Karena ini diangkat dari light Novel, maka alur ceritanya diperkirakan tidak akan jauh-jauh dari light novel-nya. Dan berikut ini adalah Sinopsis Sword Art Online season 2, Phantom Bullet Arc, sesuai dengan alur cerita light novel :
Sinon merupakan seorang gadis yang mahir dalam permainan VRMMO, terutama dalam permainan yang disebut Gun Gale Online (GGO) danALfheim Online (ALO). Di dalam ALO, Sinon berperan sebagai karaktek pemanah Cait Sith yang menggunakan sebuah panah yang dibuat olehLisbeth. Dia adalah pemanah yang handal yang mampu memanah target dengan tepat pada jarak 200 m, padahal normalnya jarak panah maksimal hanya 100 m. 
Di dalam GGO, dia dijuluki Hecate, sesuai dengan nama senjata yang digunakannya PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II, sebuah senjata kaliber 50 yang langka. Sinon bermain GGO untuk mengatasi trauma masa kecilnya akan senjata api, dimana dia pernah menembak mati penjahat yang merampok sebuah kantor pos saat masih kecil untuk melindungi ibunya. 
Di dalam GGO Sinon merupakan salah satu anggota player pemburu yang dipimpin oleh Dyne. Suatu hari kelompok mereka bertarung dengan kelompok player pembunuh yang dikenal dengan nama Behemoth. Hanya Sinon satu-satunya yang mampu bertahan dari grupnya.
Beberapa hari kemudian, Sinon bertemu dengan Kirito. Dia pikir Kirito itu adalah seorang gadis, sehingga Sinon menawarkan bantuan kepada Kirito. Setelah membantu Kirito membeli perlengkapan dalam game tersebut, keduanya ikut mendaftar dalam sebuah turnamen yang disebut "Bullet of Bullets".
Ketika memasuki ruang ganti untuk mempersiapkan peralatan pertempuran, Kirito yang tanpa sengaja melihat Sinon dalam pakaian dalamnya, meyakinkan Sinon kalau dirinya adalah seorang laki-laki dengan menunjukkan ID Card-nya.
Mengetahui bahwa Kirito benar-benar seorang laki-laki, Sinon pun menamparnya. Karena merasa dibohongi oleh Kirito, Sinon pun menyuruh Kirito berjanji kepadanya agar terus bertahan hingga Semifinal sehingga dia bisa mengalahkan Kirito dalam pertarungan di Turnamen tersebut.
Akhirnya keduanya pun bertemu di pertandingan semifinal. Namun ketika keduanya bertemu dalam pertandingan, Kirito tidak mau melakukan perlawanan terhadap Sinon meski beberapa kali Sinon sudah menembaknya. Sinon pun marah dan menemui Kirito untuk menenyakan alasannya.
Setelah beradu argumen beberapa lama, akhirnya mereka melakukan sebuah kesepakatan. Keduanya melempar peluru ke udara, menunggu peluru tersebut jatuh ke tanah lalu saling menembak. Saat peluru sampai di tanah, Sinon segera menembakkan pelurunya, tetapi sebelum peluru tersebut sampai mengenai tubuh Kirito, Kirito membelah peluru tersebut menjadi 2 dengan pedangnya, dan menyuruh Sinon untuk menyerah karena Kirito tidak mau melawan wanita. 
Tiga setengahnya sebelum Final dimulai, di dunia nyata dia menemui temannya yang bernama Shinkawa Kyouji dan menceritakan kejengkelannya dengan karakter yang bernama Kirito. Setelah itu, dia kembali ke rumah dan Log in ke GGO beberapa saat sebelum pertandingan Final BoB dimulai.
Disana dia bertemu dengan Spiegel, avatar milik Kyouji dalam GGO yang menyetakan perasaannya kepada Sinon. Namun Sinon mengatakan dirinya ingin fokus dulu dalam pertandingan final. Lalu tanpa sengaja Sinon bertemu kembali dengan Kirito saat akan melakukan daftar ulang peserta babak Final. Sinon pun memberitahu Kirito bagaimana peraturan di babak final, serta bagaimana ketigapuluh peserta akan berpartisipasi.
Secara keseluruhan cerita SAO season 2 ini masih seputar Kirito yang bertemu dengan gadis cantik di dunia Virtual Game Online, terlibat dalam masalah permainan juga masalah perasaan.

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Metal Gear Solid Rising Revengeance For XBOX 360 Free Download

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance pits machine against machine in battle that blazes past each human limit! the most character, Raiden, was once feared because the kid soldier �Jack the Ripper� on the front lines of the primary Liberian warfare. Now, his combat mastery is channeled through a machine body because the strikes from his high-frequency blade slice even huge assault drones in 2. Raiden is contractile for influential person protection, preparation and different duties by PMSCs (Private Military and Security Companies) during a developing country piecing itself back along once a bloody warfare.

About Game:-))

  • Release Date::: 19 FEB, 2013
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  • Publishers::: Konami

Game Screen Shots:-))

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Mengenal Larry Page Orang Tersohor diDunia sebagai Pendiri Google Inc

Mengenal Larry Page Orang Tersohor diDunia sebagai Pendiri Google Inc

Siapakah Larry Page?

Lawrence "Larry" Page is an American computer scientist and Internet entrepreneur who, with Sergey Brin, is best known as the co-founder of Google. On April 4, 2011, he took on the role of chief executive officer of Google, replacing Eric Schmidt. Wikipedia
Born: March 26, 1973 (age 40), Lansing
Spouse: Lucinda Southworth (m. 2007)
Education: East Lansing High School (1987�1991), More
Awards: Marconi Prize, TR100
Siblings: Carl Victor Page, Jr.
Parents: Carl Victor Page, Gloria Page
sumber wikipedia.org

Larry Page adalah salah seorang pendiri Google dan saat ini Presiden Produk-produk Google Inc. Lawrence E. Page lahir tahun 1973 di Lansing, Michigan dari orangtua Carl Vincent Page, adalah seorang profesor ilmu komputer di Universitas Michigan dan Gloria Page, yang merupakan guru pemrograman komputer di Universitas Michigan. Setelah lulus dari East Lansing High School ia belajar dan mendapatkan gelar Bachelor of Science di bidang rekayasa komputer dari University of Michigan dan melanjutkan studi program Master di Universitas Stanford.

Larry page sewaktu masih muda belum menikah

Larry Page. foto tahun 2012.  

Bagi yang mau Follow di Google +

Sementara belajar di Universitas Stanford, Page diperkenalkan kepada Sergey Brin. Kedua tidak memulai sebagai teman, sepertinya tidak setuju pada kebanyakan topik pembicaraan, tetapi akhirnya menemukan sebuah subjek yang telah menjadi sangat menarik bagi mereka berdua. Topik yang Mengambil informasi dari kumpulan data besar. Pasangan ini kemudian menulis apa yang secara luas dianggap sebagai kontribusi mereka, kertas kerja yang disebut "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine". sejak itu menjadimakalah mereka menjadi satu dari sepuluh makalah ilmiah paling banyak diakses di Stanford University.

setelah mereka mulai bekerja pada sebuah proyek yang kemudian menjadi mesin pencari Google. Setelah mencoba menjual gagasan namun gagal, mereka menulis

rencana bisnis dan membawa total investasi awal hampir $ 1 juta untuk memulai perusahaan mereka sendiri. September 1998 Google Inc dibuka di Menlo Park, California. Perusahaan tumbuh begitu cepat dan mendapatkan begitu banyak karyawan beberapa kantor di Relokasi karena kurangnya ruang, akhirnya Google Inc menetap di tempat yang sekarang di sebut Mountain View, California. Selama beberapa tahun berikutnya google yang dipimpin oleh Larry dan Sergey Google membuat banyak inovasi dan ditambahkan ke daftar produk dan karyawan (hampir 5.000 tahun 2006). Oktober 2004 Google mengumumkan hasil kuartal pertama mereka sebagai sebuah perusahaan yang ditawarkan publik, dengan mencatat penerimaan sebesar $ 805.9 juta. Pada tahun 2005 Page telah diperkirakan memiliki kekayaan senilai US $ 12 miliar dan menjadi orang urutan ke enambelas dalam daftar majalah Forbes dan membuatnyamenjadi orang ke-27 orang terkaya di dunia.

Pada tahun 2002, Larry bernama Forum Ekonomi Dunia Global Leader for Tomorrow. Ia adalah anggota National Advisory Committee (NAC) untuk Universitas Michigan College of Engineering, dan bersama-sama dengan Co-Founder Sergey Brin, Larry mendapat penghargaan Marconi Prize pada tahun 2004. Dia adalah wali direksi dari X PRIZE, dan terpilih menjadi anggota National Academy of Engineering pada tahun 2004.

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Tekken 3 PC Full Version Games Free Download

Tekken 3 PC Full Version Games Free Download

Tekken 3

Tekken 3 is a fighting game developed and Namco, the March 20, 1997, released the arcade, game consoles and PlayStation 2.Tekken 3 maintains the same concept system main fight like its predecessors, but it brought a lot of improvements, as graphics and detailed animations significant, 15 new characters added to the list of games, more modern music smoother, faster, gameplay.Is this game is free for PC? Yes, this game is a free video games and computers. See the following screen shots and system requirements, you understand, you may be able to play this game right PC? So after watching, download, install, play and enjoy! . Now look at the download link to download the game and enjoy! . So I can install Player download >> >> >> Enjoy! .Tekken 3 download free full version of the game, this is a 2D fighting game, and there are 25 game characters and each character has its own skills and share with other technologies unique game 20 strikes. Tekken 3 PC game can also be played during practice in order to improve the skills and understanding of the actions of each character in combat.
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Minimum System Requirements for ProFlightSimulator

Minimum System Requirements for ProFlightSimulator

Thankfully, ProFlight simulator can offer realistic simulation on just about any computer made in the past 7 years :)

1. 2+ Ghz CPU Processing
2. 256 MB Ram
3. 1024 x 768 px Display with at least 16 bit color
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